Content Management Systems in DC

Content Management Systems Make it Easy to Update Your Site

If you’re not familiar with design or development, you may think that managing or updating a site is a complicated process. And while it can be, content management systems (CMS) like WordPress make it entirely possible to make basic updates with little to no experience. Adding new information or updating existing content can be a breeze!

That’s why at DC Web Design & Marketing, we make it a priority to make the process easy for site owners without website development backgrounds. Our experts will help you choose the right CMS, then show you how to operate it. With some basic training, it can be as simple as if you were simply writing in Word!

WordPress tab and URL

The Tools to Manage Your Online Presence

When our team builds a website for your business, they'll give you the reins to your most important asset. With a full set of website management tools at your fingertips, you can change text and page elements effortlessly. Our design team can also assist you in learning how to change page layouts and upload graphics and pictures to your site — all without having to know a single line of HTML.

Plus, with this amount of control, you can make updates as soon as you want them. You won’t have to wait for a website company, meaning that updates can be made within seconds. Completing basic updates on your site often requires the same amount of time and energy as sending an update request. Why not just do it yourself?

That being said, we also offer comprehensive website maintenance plans for those who do not have the time to maintain a site on their own. With these plans, we'll be more than happy to assist you in updating your site whenever you need it.

CMS That Protect the Privacy of Your Website

Many large businesses have a restricted areas of their sites, such as members-only areas or internal information. Many also pre-schedule updates, meaning that they have information on their sites that is not yet ready to be released to public view, such as major announcements.

Whatever the case, if you have private information on your server, you want it to stay that way. And with the right CMS, you’ll be able to do just that. Your confidential information and data will remain only accessible to those with the correct credentials, and you'll never have to worry about your security being compromised.

For more information, fill out our free quote form. If you have any general questions, fill out our contact form!