10-Step Web Design Checklist for Businesses
Public perception of your business is a powerful thing, and you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it. In fact, 94% of first impressions come from web design, so it’s crucial that you craft a site that makes a positive impression on your customers.
If you’re struggling to perfect your website’s design, you can get help from our team of over 200 experts at DC Web Design & Marketing.
In the meantime, though, here’s a basic website requirements checklist of 10 items to make sure you get right on your site
1. Website Structure
Before you can start creating your website, you have to plan out how it will be structured. It doesn’t have to be complex, but at least have a basic idea of what the main tabs on your navigation bar will be. For the purposes of search engine optimization (SEO), make sure there’s a clear path of navigation throughout the site.
2. Landing Pages
Once you’ve designed a map for the main areas of your website, you’ll want to think about landing pages. These are pages that users are directed to when they click on ads elsewhere on the Internet, and they’re specifically designed to target those users. Make sure each one is tailored to the ad that links to it.
3. Website Content and Graphics
Now it’s time to get into actually creating content for your site. But don’t just fill it with blocks of text. Users’ first impressions all depend on what they see in the first few seconds of arriving, so fill your pages with compelling visuals like bold images and videos.
DC Web Design & Marketing can help you create not just some killer text content, but some striking images and graphics as well!
4. Branding
In line with the previous point, things like the color scheme and shape design of your site will influence your users. Make sure that you not only keep everything visually pleasing, but that you match it up with your brand. If your stores use a lot of color, don’t make your site monochromatic.
5. Page Load Speeds
An essential item on any web development checklist is load speed optimization. For every image that doesn’t pull up or every page that shows a spinning wheel for over three seconds, countless users are hitting the back button. Make sure your site doesn’t have this problem.
6. Responsive Design
Not everyone will view your website the same way you do. While you might design your pages in Firefox on your computer, your users may visit it in Google Chrome on their phones. As you construct the site, make sure your design is responsive, so it works across different browsers and devices.
7. Widgets
As you get into the later stages of your web development checklist, look into including some widgets on your site that will give users easy ways to get in touch with you. A live chat widget will allow them to ask questions right there on the site, and social media icons can direct them to your Facebook and Twitter pages.

8. Calls to Action (CTAs)
A necessity on any web design checklist for businesses is the call to action, or CTA. Users might read every piece of content on your website, but unless you prompt them to take the next step and actually buy from you, they won’t do it. Include CTAs throughout your content, urging them to purchase your products or get in touch with you.
9. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Your website might turn out perfectly designed, but it won’t be of much use unless you have some way of directing users to it in the first place. To make this happen, make use of SEO strategies like keyword insertion to help your site rank at the top of relevant Google search results.
If you’re not sure how to make the most of SEO, you’re in luck — SEO is our specialty at DC Web Design & Marketing’s. We’ll help you implement it into your website for maximum results.
10. Google Analytics
To wrap up your website design tasks list, set up your site with Google Analytics. This will let you monitor things like website traffic to see how successful your online marketing campaigns are.
 Each of the things on this checklist is a must-have for your website, but they’re not the only ones. You can do a great many other things to boost your web design as well, and DC Web Design & Marketing can help you make that happen.
Get started with custom web design services from DC Web Design & Marketing
With over 20 years in the online marketing industry, we know just what it takes to make your website great.
Give us a call at 202-370-7515 or contact us online to get started today!